05 July 2010

1.5 years..

1.5 years have been passed in Singapore..
time to reflect back to what I was in previous 1.5 years.

Several records that have been achieved:
1. get to know new people
2. able to live abroad
3. meet him
4. save some dollar
5. improve my english level --> *although just veryyyy little.. but still ok la.. at least get an improvement*

but.. *damn* none of those things are in term of academic achievements, such as:
1. no significant result
2. no paper has been published
3. no proper experimental method has been determined
4. no direction in term of recent research and future work
5. no gain a confidence in front of the boss..

So.. based on your opinion.. are there any significant achievements in my 1.5 years? =P

- gettin crazy with my own job...-

1 comment:

  1. Yes there is :) --> #3 met him :D
    it will be a whole life thing while PhD is only 4 years.could be more or less..if you decide that it is enough.
    Moreover when you decide to take PhD, were those academic achievements your goals?? if not no need to worry :P
