PhD --> "Paper harus Diproduksi"
Well.. actually PhD is just a simple job.. in which we have to produce paper.. the more the better..
the higher impact factor the better.. more cited the better.. etc etc.. and another important point "first author" is very important.
Today, just did an experiment from 10am to 7pm.
Got a good result, just need to check its reproducibility, take a picture, and voilaa.. paper published *hope so..*
Felt happy.. but after 1 hour.. realized
"Gosh.. it was not my own paper --" "
Yes, the result was actually my experiment collaboration with MSE students.
The actual job description seemed like already defined:
1. me: supply the protein sample
2. MSE: supply the polymer, did the measurement, supply the topic.
3. both of us: thinking about the reason why and contribute each ideas..
*well.. from the job description.. you know la.. who contributed more...* T.T
In order to survive in this PhD world.. it seemed that "second author" is not quite important.
*klo mw dibilang kasar.. kolaborasi dengan hasil penulis kedua bisa diidentikkan dengan istilah menjadi budak nya budak prof laen* apa lagi klo tujuan sebenar nya melenceng, tidak terlalu nyambung topik, kontribusi kecil.. jadi merasa jadi budak aje.. --"
So.. in my case.. well.. it seems that I couldn't really happy with this result..
well.. honestly, I become a little bit happy. at last, I can show somethin in my report and exam.
But.. for the boss side.. well.. I know that she will not feel so much happy with this, and will still chase me for my own result and my own paper..
Hikz... T-T
- thinkin2.. ponderin2... procrastinating her own topic -
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