04 April 2011

I just stumbled upon this article titled "10 Signs It's Time To Quit Your Job". Let's assume for a moment that PhD is a job... Let's try to apply this to PhD life, and see if it's time to quit your "job"!

1. You Aren't Learning Anything New : Well, I learnt quite a lot, but most of the things that I've learnt so far has nothing to do with my "job". But still, there are some things that I've learnt from this "job" that may be applicable in the real life such as how to pretend it's impossible to work any faster.

2. You Never Have a Day When You Wake Up Excited To Go To Work : Well there are those times where I am excited to go to my "office", but that's because I've met my supervisor the day before... and in those times I am excited I don't do anything (related to work), so technically it doesn't count as "to go to work". The rest of the day are !@#$%^&.

3. You Spend More Time Surfing the Web Than Doing Your Job : Obviously this no need further explanation. Every PhD students know this.

4. You Don't Like Most of Your Coworkers : I don't really have coworkers, coz my "job" scope doesn't include wet labs or any huge collaboration thingy. All I need is a computer, really. So I can't comment on this one, although I must say I think most people who are trapped here are nice people. They just make wrong life choices.

5. You Aren't Making Enough Money to Pay Your Bills : Ok, I have just enough to pay my bills (for now), but this is because I'm single and banks here don't give student credit card... So too bad I can only spend what I earned... I still think I am underpaid, and if I am in U.S. I think I may be going to file for chapter 11.
What the heck, YES.

6. You Spend Time Looking For Other Jobs : I'm spending most of my time looking for other activities as well... Shall not elaborate further. lol.

7. You Haven't Gotten a Raise in the Last Two Years : Ok, once. But that is already stated when you get your enslavement contract, and the amount is exactly the same for the whole batch of mass-produced commoditifed cheap labor... Your boss cannot increase your salary further no matter how hard you work. So that raise doesn't count.

8. Your Boss Sucks : My current boss is the best boss I can have in the world! (Just in case my boss read this posting and realize it is me!)

9. The Company Isn't Doing Well : Going down 100 spots in 1 year, the president resigned, what else can you expect?

10. You are Stressed All the Time

Ok so we have:
7 YES , 2 NO , 1 ABSTAIN

With 7 YES out of 10, this is a supermajority that can even allow U.S. congress to pass a bill without president's approval. So I think I need to rethink what I am going to do now...

How about you?

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