30 July 2010


Below is the way the school announces and makes freak proper encouragement for the student to attend a conference. (It might only applied to our school though)

Dear all

This is for your information. Any interested student please note that you will be required to provide your own conference support from project funds or similar sources. School will not be providing conference support.

The Inaugural International Conference of bla. bla. bla.. will be held at University of bla.. bla.. (6000 kms away)

The deadline for submission is two weeks from now.


29 July 2010

The conference

For postgrad students, any conference is perfect networking platform where many academicians and professors are around. In addition, the conference organizers always generously provide these 'tea breaks' and 'long hour lunch'. Thus, it's just 'perfect' for idea exchange, grasp some lights for your research for the experts, and (if you are lucky) get a job offer (as postdoc/professor of course).

You can imagine that, there were 'nerdy alien' discussion throughout the corridor. Some (good) students were talking proudly about their work, where they could do something extraordinary before (in fact, it is something usual using 'my boss' standard and to be honest, my boss is extraordinary). Standing alone in the corner and slowly munch your meals is strongly not recommended. What can you gain by that?

I am not against these arrangements, but for me hearing those 'Pandora like' language during lunch is just.. torturing. A 'proper English' conversation on any 'career networking' are much more refreshing.


Question and Answer

" Why the result you show is this and that? How is the procedure of your experiment. How can you explain?"
" I add this compound and this then the result is like that. The explanation is here... "
" I don't understand. Explain to me tomorrow morning "

The next day.

Come in the morning, do lab work, search paper, and still wait until almost lunch time. Then boss ask other lab member to call me...
" You read my mail yesterday?"
" Yes "
" I don't understand about your last reply "
" Yes, I know "
" Why don't you come here this morning to explain?"
" Well, I think person who don't understand is the one who should approach first. "

25 July 2010

Give Thanks

PhD may not be a perfect position, may not be a perfect job, may not be a perfect status... or condition. In fact it's a risky choice to be taken after you finish your undergrad degree. Whether you can be success in research area and continue career as professor, or may stuck in post doc forever after that. Or else, you need to switch career from research.

Well, life is the matter of choice, isn't it?

Whether you think this choice is right or wrong is actually the matter of your mind to choose it. If you think it's wrong, so it would be wrong forever... and ever. If you wanna focus how wrong it is why you chose this particular project, this particular professor, this particular course, and of course this particular status as PhD candidate, you'll gonna stuck there forever.

Well, PhD may not be the best choice or pathway for some (or maybe all) of us, but let us stop to think that it's wrong or how wrong it is or how pity we are inside PhD. Even that it's really really really wrong, stop thinking about the wrongness... At least from the mistake we have learnt something new in our life. No experience would be wasted, no matter how bad it is. The simple way is just... keep moving on.

To think how bad our current condition won't bring us forward. To complain about difficult research won't make it easier. In fact it just makes it harder. Stop complaining and start working. Start to smile for your work though it is tough. Coz only toughness can make you to be stronger person.

I'm not a perfect person without any single complain. In fact I did it due to some of my unbearable circumstances. However, after some time, I realize that it's just something that's not too right to do that. By complaining, you just cannot move forward. You are just stuck on your current condition. It won't change anything. Mostly it would make it worse.

The key of moving forward is by start giving thanks.
Thanks for the current position we have with this stable income.
Thanks for this particular job we have.
Thanks for peers and friends around us.
Thanks for everything.

Well, actually I'm not a wise person to tell people about all of this things. But at least, I just wanna enlighten our day. With a simple thanks and gratitude.


23 July 2010

Fleeing Faraway

If I had the option to flee, would I take it?
It is indeed not an easy decision
When I looked back this past (almost) four years
On all those efforts and courages that I have put
It's really pathetic
Even though most of them are indeed futile
Unfortunately, I do not have that option
I am not a risk-taker
It's hard to imagine that I wouldn't have any income
If I was stubborn and took the option even though I did not possess it
Well, that is the only reason I can think of
On why I still here
If I had no other option but flee
That may be the case
Because I know myself, my intelligence, aptitude, and ability
That have been pushed far beyond what they supposed to
In addition to deterioration of my brain quality
Or if it is a matter of jealousy
A sign of desperation?
For those are the reasons why so many efforts were in vain

Maybe, it is the time to make that option available
Then I can flee faraway from this world
With peace in mind as I will have made the right decision
For my better life.


20 July 2010

Afternoon Talk

Conversation between me and colleague...
" Hi, you look so busy? "
" Yup..."
" What are you doing?"
" I'm looking for job."
" Oooh ic. Hmm, can I ask you for a help?"
" Yes?"
" If you find any job that that has the requirement suits me well, can you let me know also?"
" What criteria you want?"
" First of all... no research job"
" Errr ok. Then?"
" I think teaching job would be interesting. In any private school or polytechnic. Something that give me chance to meet many people and interact a lot."
" How about something like marketing or any banking."
" Quite interesting... as long as there is no research job."
" Ouw ok. Got it. Something else?"
" Well, I look for good payment and one important thing is..."
" No research job? "
" Exactly."
" Ok."
" Well, let me revise my requirement a bit. If then it's really really really difficult for finding job outside research for me. I may still consider back to do reserach."
" Why?"
" As long as that research job has no affiliation to this lab "
" :s "

17 July 2010

The "PROF"

What does the acronym 'PROF' stand for? Literally, 'Professor'. Another meaning (taken from one of prof where I did my undergrad) is (P)erfect, (R)ational, (O)riented, and (F)unctional

He/she is a perfect figure, who can guide and nurture his/her students. A role model on 'research' aptitude and attitude.
He/she is a perfect figure in front of other profs working in the same area. It is mandatory to snatch grants needed to sustain his/her work.

Especially in the expected research outcome, based on the money he/she has, its probablity of success based on established theory, and his/her expertise on the area.
Especially in the number of papers he/she should publish within a given time period. It often results in irrational working hours for his/her students.

The research orientation is set for clear achievement, a further step (or leap) towards certain ultimate goal.
The research orientation is to publish as many papers as possible, to fulfil certain requirement.

is capable to manage his/her students based on their unique aptitude for mutual learning
is capable to manage his/her students up to their maximum time and effort they can give.

'Simbang' for me. How 'bout u?


16 July 2010

Among Teacher, Researcher, and Professor

Teacher's job is to make something complicated to be simpler. (to make the students understand easier)

Researcher's job is to make something simple to be more compicated. (to make it sounds more scientific)

Professor's job is to make nothing to be very complicated.

14 July 2010


Paper yang udah disubmit ke jurnal baru aja dibalikin dan reviewernya nanya macam2 yang sebenarnya ngga gitu penting (dari 3 reviewer, sepertinya cuma 1 yang benar2 baca paper gua sampai beres). Akibatnya, bos nyuruh eksperimen tambahan buat meyakinkan si reviewer2 itu.

Suatu siang di hari Selasa:

"Jadi, kita perlu ngecek ulang prosedur ini, karena hasilnya ngga bakal dimasukin ke paper, kamu lakuin ini buat 'nominal condition' aja ya, 2 kondisi yang lain gak usah. Ga penting.."

Hari rabu siang:

"Kamu itu kok cuma kerjain yang bagian ini doang, yang lain mana. Kalau kerja jangan setengah2 dong!!!"
"wth.. yesterday u never told me like that lah.. @!!$#@!#


13 July 2010


Dear ***

I'm stick with my plan to graduate by the end of this year and I have signed a contract to start working in January 2011. This notification is just to inform that you can start to find new slave student (if any) to continue the project. Good luck.


* * *

See me tomorrow morning.

10 July 2010

When you say nothing at all

[Ronan Keriting] >> Let regard him as a PhD student with the 'keriting' mind, thanks to his dazzling bad result and his boss' pressure.

Okay.. Let's sing together..
It's torturing the way you speak right to my heart
It's like saying a word, I can't light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I get when I do all the things

The grim on your face lets me know you're unhappy
There's a truth in your eyes saying you want to sack me
The gnash on your teeth says you blame me whenever I fail
I know it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I work here doing what you have told
After you scold me there you drown out the will
Try as I may I could never define
What's went wrong whether your mind or mine

Back to CHORUS...


09 July 2010

funny talk at night..

Well.. just a "normal" converstation between PhDs at one night ( including former, surrender, current, and want to be )

Actually the topic is very simple:
"How to fry a fine bakwan"
Suddenly the talk flow into this direction:

1. Topic: How to fry a fine bakwan
2. Problem: Oil content in the bakwan will reduce its cruncyness
3. Hypothesis:
- Addition of baking soda will help to absorb the oil content
- Best composition between baking soda-oil -bakwan-fluor-water will determine the best taste of the bakwan
4. Method of analysis:
- Different compositions of baking soda-oil-bakwan-fluor-water, minimal three times replication to get the standard error
- Phase diagram between baking soda diluted in water-oil-water
- Sample tester to determine the taste quality and appearance
- Replace baking soda addition with another hydrophilic and lipophilic compount to cover the bakwan, and compare the result with baking soda yield. ( literature review needed )
5. Result:
- Based on the graph and table it shows that.. xxx... yyy... zzzz... so, addition of aaa... and bbb.. with composition d:e:f is the best
- Addition of www gives higher effect in term of oil content reduction compare to baking soda
6. Conclusion:
- The best composition to fry bakwan with low oil content and long lasting quality is bla bla bla...

*this paper has been submitted to Journal of HauTuKuk, with Maknyuss as an associate reviewer*

Well.. some parts are already editted by me, but most of the ideas are based on what the last conversation about =P


08 July 2010

Thought Improvement

Who said that PhD mindet just stuck without any improvement? Not necessarily true. Well, at least we are trained to face any cases in "parallel" way...

First year: Full time PhD, not much time for anything else
Second year: Still full time PhD, part time teacher.
Third year: Full time teacher, part time PhD.
Final year plan: Full time teacher and start business, with spare time for PhD.

Can I?

07 July 2010

Analogy between PhD and diving

Just had this thought when chatted with my friends before..

Suddenly get an inspiration about what is the similarity between PhD and diving

Imagine that you are in the ocean.. you are already at the boat.. and you look at the sea.. wondering what is inside. Since you can't see anything at the surface.. Maybe you just think that ocean is very beautiful inside, there are corals, fishes, etc..
-> same as PhD.. if you are not at that world, you will not know what is trully inside.. maybe you will just think that PhD is a nice world, since you get paid by just studying =P

After several time wondering.. you just think.. "Err.. I want to look a little bit closer to the sea, and feel the sensastion of the sea myself.." So.. you take one step ahead by putting down your foot into the sea, and tried to look what is inside using your bare eyes..
--> the first year of PhD.. you don't know what actually you are going to do.. so you just read a lot of journal papers.. but seems like it is still okay, coz the deadline is still sooo far away.. so you still can a little bit relax..
*this condition is not universal applied.. depends on who are your boss*

Suddenly you fall out to the sea because you lack of balance.. Panic mode on, because you haven't used your complete diving equipment yet.. You lose your sight ( since you can't see inside the water ), You run out of breath ( since you haven't used your oxygen tank, and in panic state, so you suddenly lose all of your swimming ability ). Because you lose all your sensing, you are afraid of several dangers in the sea, such as shark, etc..
--> the second year of PhD.. you become panic, because you are not doin enough in your first year, but you have an ultimate deadline within 2 years, which is QE... panic because you don't have any significant result, no proper experimental procedure yet, and become worst when you fell that no one is able to help you to solve the problems.. And you are forced to finish your report, with at least.. significant datas..

After you are gettin calm and gettin used to the ocean condition.. Maybe you will think.. "Okay.. why don't I swim to the surface, pick up my google, and dive.. since I am already soaked..". So, you go to the surface, take your google, and diving at the ocean.. Although the ocean is not as beautiful as what you thought at the first time.. Well.. you still continue to dive since you are already wet all over the body..
--> third and fourth year after your QE.. well.. somehow you already have a "proper" direction of your research.. Although you think that actually you don't care with your work, but since you already go too deep into this world.. And seem like that there is no point of return.. No other choice.. you just have to used to it, and face it until the end..

*wondering when will I be at my "diving" state, instead of "drowning" state*


Whoaa... Even though I have been in this 'tiny little gloomy' cocoon for few years, I never expect that this things really happens somewhere else in the world (or may be it is indeed the norm). Well, should be grateful for that whatsoever.


06 July 2010


One day, several persons have their meals in a food stall together. Some of them are PhDs. Then

A, struggling to pour the soya sauce to her meal)
Why the sauce wouldn't come out?

B, one of the PhD student, who is doing research in fluid mechanics
Oh.. soya sauce is non-Newtonian fluid. So you should pour it like this.
(he took the sauce and poured it to her meal easily)

Another good side of being PhD student. You won't find any difficulties pouring sauces to your meals. Some people even have good ideas on what is the SCIENCE behind it..



Dear members of the NTU community

Convocation 2010: Invitation to Ceremony 1

The University Convocation is a major event in our University's calendar. From 26 to 31 July 2010, the University will hold 17 ceremonies and graduate more than 9000 students.

Chancellor of NTU, His Excellency President S R Nathan, will preside at the first ceremony. Chancellor will be conferring Honorary Doctorates on individuals who have rendered distinguished service to the University or the community in the advancement of learning and knowledge or who have contributed significantly to the development of their country or the betterment of society and international relations. The recipients of the Lee Kuan Yew Gold Medal and the Koh Boon Hwee Scholars Award as well as the pioneer class of C N Yang Scholars will also be presented.

We would like to invite you to attend the first Convocation 2010 ceremony to celebrate this meaningful and joyous occasion to mark the success of our graduates. Details of the event are as follows:

Date of ceremony: 26 July 2010, Monday
Time: 10.00 am – 12.30 pm
Venue: Nanyang Auditorium, NTU

You are also welcome to join the graduates and guests at the Quad after the ceremony to witness the Class Plaque Laying Ceremony.

All guests are requested to be seated by 9.30 am.
Please click here to confirm your attendance and for details of the ceremony.
Kindly ignore this email if you have been invited to be a member of the academic procession at this ceremony.

* * *

In PhD languange, it can be translated just to one sentence:


05 July 2010

1.5 years..

1.5 years have been passed in Singapore..
time to reflect back to what I was in previous 1.5 years.

Several records that have been achieved:
1. get to know new people
2. able to live abroad
3. meet him
4. save some dollar
5. improve my english level --> *although just veryyyy little.. but still ok la.. at least get an improvement*

but.. *damn* none of those things are in term of academic achievements, such as:
1. no significant result
2. no paper has been published
3. no proper experimental method has been determined
4. no direction in term of recent research and future work
5. no gain a confidence in front of the boss..

So.. based on your opinion.. are there any significant achievements in my 1.5 years? =P

- gettin crazy with my own job...-