30 June 2010

Sebuah kisah

Membeli prata kari terpisah
Kala kumakan mual melanda
Hati gembira bercampur resah
Kala kupakai jubah wisuda

Gank riani kuasai Jogja
Sang musuh mundur sampai ke gua
Berkali-kali melamar kerja
Kabar baik tak datang jua

Membeli makan di kantin A
Tiga dolar tiada rasa
Tak disangka datang si dia
Dari Singapura mencari mangsa

Bulan depan perpanjang sewa
Uang gaji kantor habis semua
Dengan rayuan uang beasiswa
Ditambah gelar doktor bagi semua

Andai di sini ada si Melda
Semua bonekanya kan kusandera
Kini di sini daku berada
despo PhD student di Singapura

(expecting to write the sequels)


29 June 2010

paper Oh paper...

PhD --> "Paper harus Diproduksi"

Well.. actually PhD is just a simple job.. in which we have to produce paper.. the more the better..
the higher impact factor the better.. more cited the better.. etc etc.. and another important point "first author" is very important.

Today, just did an experiment from 10am to 7pm.
Got a good result, just need to check its reproducibility, take a picture, and voilaa.. paper published *hope so..*
Felt happy.. but after 1 hour.. realized
"Gosh.. it was not my own paper --" "

Yes, the result was actually my experiment collaboration with MSE students.
The actual job description seemed like already defined:
1. me: supply the protein sample
2. MSE: supply the polymer, did the measurement, supply the topic.
3. both of us: thinking about the reason why and contribute each ideas..
*well.. from the job description.. you know la.. who contributed more...* T.T

In order to survive in this PhD world.. it seemed that "second author" is not quite important.
*klo mw dibilang kasar.. kolaborasi dengan hasil penulis kedua bisa diidentikkan dengan istilah menjadi budak nya budak prof laen* apa lagi klo tujuan sebenar nya melenceng, tidak terlalu nyambung topik, kontribusi kecil.. jadi merasa jadi budak aje.. --"

So.. in my case.. well.. it seems that I couldn't really happy with this result..
well.. honestly, I become a little bit happy. at last, I can show somethin in my report and exam.
But.. for the boss side.. well.. I know that she will not feel so much happy with this, and will still chase me for my own result and my own paper..

Hikz... T-T

- thinkin2.. ponderin2... procrastinating her own topic -

Paper Review

Juragan: "Gimana paper ini menurut lu?"
Gua: "Yah, hasil keren, mantap, tapi caranya ampas, dapet yang bagus gara2 hoki doang"

(boleh dibaca, boleh diskip) >> dia mau cari nilai maksimum dari sesuatu, caranya brutal, ngambil angka sembarang dicoba satu2, sampai ga bisa nemu hasil yang lebih baik >> kalau gua bilang ide ini ke bos gua, pasti gua langsung dimarahi di tempat..

Juragan: "Iya, pertama kali gua baca juga ni paper sampah"
Gua: "Err.."
Juragan: "Tapi dia ngutip paper gua dua.. jadi gua nanti recommend biar paper ini diterima aja deh. pendek ini, buat ngabisin 3 halaman jurnal doang si gpp la.. cincai"

>> Bagi kami di dunia riset, salah satu parameter kerjaan kita menarik atau gak adalah berapa banyak kutipan (citation) dari paper yang udah kita publish dari orang2. Semakin banyak kutipan, berarti paper kita semakin keren.. semakin menarik.. semakin berpengaruh.. entah itu baik atau buruk, yang pasti paper2 ini sudah berpengaruh besar buat gua (for snatching my youth, quote by PY)


26 June 2010


I have added the SEM figure to figure 2 (file attached)


* * *

Is this your best image? E Colis looks funny and they aggregate. Can you find a better image or do SEM again?

* * *

Here are the list of other good SEM images. There are some with low or high magnification. There are also some area where the cells are not aggregate. I chose that particular picture (I sent before) to present high density E.coli. When they grow, actually E.coli like to aggregate themselves and form clumps.

So just choose which one you prefer. Thanks.

Best Regards,

* * *

All these are not presentable.

* * *

Ok. Then I don't think it's necessary to present the SEM image.

Best Regards,

* * *

---, there is not half-way research. As a researcher, we should make things as perfect as we can and present the best as we can get and make something you will be proud of. Please do SEM again. This is not too difficult to do.

* * *

Two things you need to know:
1. I'm not proud to be called as a researcher and for any research work I have done. If you are proud, it's up to you. So please don't use the word 'we'.
2. SEM is not something easy to do, especially for living creatures. If you think it is easy, you can do it yourself.

25 June 2010

things that I fear..

When I was a little girl.. I kind of afraid several things:
1. dark
2. ghost
3. height and high speed
4. cockroachs, spider, snake, etc..
5. dentist, and so on..
no need to display here.. cause it will make this blog over-loaded

And now.. since I am growing older, I realize.. that I need to add my list..
and.. since a year ago.. this is the new update thing that I add



An interesting inspiration from one of Suhu's blog post. When it was modified then.. it turns out to be..

Job with higher pay.... many..
More prestige job... there are..
Job that utilize your brain until (beyond, in some cases) its limit...
Don't waste your time to find one...

PhD student.. we really pro(u)d of this job...

--dedicated to those who celebrate his/her anniversary joining 'gloomy' PhD world shortly--

24 June 2010

Just my 50 cents.. (enough for a cup of coffee though)

Just read a 'spooky' post from fellow phd student. The research was a failure, the results were junkie (according to the boss for sure), no appreciation for the failure work (well, nobody shd expect that @ the first place). For us, the experience and feeling are really easy to be understood. Okay, forget it, life must go on, then what can 'we' do about it? Well.. let's see (However, this might be on case to case basis, depends on how desperate and freak your boss is)..

1. It is ILLICIT to use 'weekend' as the reason for not doing experiment. Our working hours is same with the opening time of 7-11 mart (24/7). Wish that your boss would understand those Korean dramas await you @ home? that you had appointment on bbq party @ East Coast.. Well.. indeed, you wish!! 

2. Bad results need not be reported (it applies to my boss).. 
Student: I have tried method A, unsuccessful, B also sucks, C useless.
Prof: Okay, then why shd we do?
Student: Dunno
Prof (fingers point to the door): Go back to ur office. Find out. Report to me once you find.
Student: Okay

Never report anything after that. Although stlll working, get other suck results. What's the point going to that 'court' only to be scolded and tormented. 

Finally one day (after few days of suck researches and many days of 'blank'ing
Prof: So, what is happening
Student: Nothing
Prof: How could nothing happening
Student: Well...
Prof: What happens to you. u've any personal problem? Okay. Let's go for a coffee..

Well, to be honest the personal problem is myself, where the self-motivation was on its lowest level (and still decreasing).. Nevertheless, need to be grateful when the boss have good skill to motivate w/o any need to talk crap 


That sense of curiousity

All that whining during your PhD. ..
Having to find a topic (or expand your topic to make it long enough so that you have enough things to do during your PhD)
Having to meet deadline set by your boss...
Having to deal with the not so sensible bureaucracy, as if they are made to make your life more difficult, part of your PhD training....
Having to make presentation slide last minute...
Having to write your QE report (with no significant progress, if any....)
Having to write paper, how your result is significant, justifying your result, or bullshitting how your result could save humanity
Having to redo your experiment because someone accidentaly turn off your instrument, or throw away your cells thinking that it is a waste

All your experiments fail. you have tried all possibles ways you could think of...

That your are neither a student with full privileged as a student (access to cheaper accomodation, transportation) nor a working adult

That you are nobody, have no social life, you only know the way from your home to your lab

Depressing it is.

Sometimes you feel like you are giving up. Don't care anymore.

So why you are here? What keep you going?

Is it because of stipend? If you are smart enough to enter Phd programme, then I'm sure you are smart enough to get a job.

May be because of commitment? coz giving up is not in your dictionary?

Whatever is the reason that stopping you from quitting, you need to find a way to at least enjoy it.

For me, it is as simple as curiosity. Curiosity to find out how to solve problems. How insignificant they are. All that problems will cease away for a moment (at least) when your curiosity is answered.

So what keep you going?

to add to the truth*


yest talked to my prof.

Prof: "i am making your proposal now. so what are ur testing about? last time u told me b4"

me: "ok prof, i am testing these types of connections."

Prof: "oh, so is it wif slab? or u wanna add frame to it?"

me: "no prof, i dun think to do it with slab. not even frame, just purely e connections."

Prof: "but, if u make proposal only like tis. it's like master then. not PhD. cos the proposal is too short."

me: "??!"

Tis gave me conclusion that, PhD is just another 2 more years of torture after a Master: just to show that you do more things than a commoner, and so that your proposal just gets longer. :|| *oh goodness i hope tis torture come to its end soon . .

The bitter truth...

Hmm...This is what's actually going on..a little bit too honest, isn't it?

Just another Wendy Macnaughton's piece

23 June 2010

Things happen

Things Happen
by Wendy MacNaughton

This applies to PhD too.. as to all humans . :P

PhD itu tidak Seburuk yang Kamu Kira

Dear semua pembaca setia (jikalau ada)

Walau sebenarnya postingan-postingan di bawah seringkali memojokkan dunia PhD, menunjukkan kesulitan-kesulitan dan tekanan yang kami alami, yah kalau bisa ditilik-tilik kembali... sebenernya dunia PhD itu tidak seburuk yang kalian bayangkan kok.

Sepertilah ada buku best-seller yang berjudul "positive thinking" ataupun "How to think big" dan sejenis-jenisnya... maka biarlah kami mencoba disini mengaplikasikan sebuah ungkapan pernyataan syukur dan juga secercah "positive mindset" yang kami miliki. Well, percayalah... our life is not that bad anyway.

Coba saja kita melihat fakta-fakta berikut:

1. Kami mendapat 'gaji'...
Ya walaupun jumlahnya di bawah rata-rata pasaran gaji bagi lulusan S1 disini, paling tidak kami masih mendapat 'gaji' untuk apapun yang kami perbuat (entah itu berguna atau tidak). Gaji yang toh masih cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup kami sehari-hari dan menyisakan sejumlah uang untuk ditabung. Kalau dipikir-pikir dan dibandingkan dengan gaji di Indonesia sih jumlahnya ya... cukup wah. Dibanding pengangguran, our life is still better. So... no need to complain loh. Just smile and be happy...

2. Pekerjaan kami keliatannya ga berat-berat amat kok...
Dan mungkin karena ketidakberatan itulah yang justru membuat kami menjadi kurang motivated ataupun lebih tepatnya... merasa tidak berguna. Kami tidak bisa melihat kegunaan langsung dari apa yang kami kerjakan. Semua yang kami lakukan hanyalah demi kemajuan ilmu penghetahuan dan teknologi (yang belum pasti maju). Tidak seperti di perusahaan yang mana kami langsung berhubungan dengan kepentingan client ataupun customer. Kami terbiasa ditekan professor yang biasanya menganggap kami kurang cendekia ataupun kurang berpengalaman. Ya, hidup ini memang berat justru karena ketidakberatan itu sendiri.

3. Kami masih punya waktu luang kok untuk melakukan hobi ataupun kesukaan kami...
Kami bisa nonton movie. Kami bisa pergi main scrabble. Kami bisa ambil diploma di sekolah lain. Kami bisa ambil CFA. Kami bisa pergi kerja part time. Kami bisa menulis blog ini. Kami bisa begini dan begitu... (macam-macam lah) tergantung siapa yang disebut sebagai kami. Ya mungkin faktornya karena kebingungan kami jua untuk memulai apa yang harus kami kerjakan, makanya kami berbuat yang tidak-tidak di luar yang seharusnya itu.

4. Kami masih dicap dan dinilai 'pintar' oleh pihak luar...
Ya sebagai embel-embel S3, dilabeli pintar adalah sebuah konsekuensi. Meskipun seiring dengan waktu kami menyadari bahwa kami mulai kehilangan kepintaran kami itu. Sebenarnya bukan menjadi tidak pintar, tapi kepintaran kami itu biasanya jadi terlalu terfokus pada hal yang terlalu detail yang (biasanya) tidak berguna secara general. Menjadi guru di luaran mungkin sebuah alternatif untuk membuat otak tetap bisa bekerja maksimal.

Coba saja bayangkan.

Pekerjaan santai, gaji lumayan, punya waktu luang, dikira pintar.

Ya walaupun jika ditilik lebih dalam, segala advantage itu terasa fana. Ya paling tidak ada sedikit hal yang masih bisa dibanggakan.


the motivation to be a PhD..

One friend of mine told me that he wanted to become a PhD..

He asked me many things included the registration procedure, how to choose the topic and supervisor, etc etc..
Okay. then I answered him honestly, I told him all that I know, until he felt that it was enough.

While I was answering him.. it reminded me back to myself when I want to apply the PhD.. I reviewed back into my motivation.. my curiousity.. my thought.. before I applied here.. and after I got accepted here..

Some people think that become a PhD is very good!! They just think that it's a worthy thing: gettin degree, no need to pay a single cent, but get paid at the same time, what you need to do is just do a "little" lab work, "attend some courses like the undergrad life", and "get the good score". Well.. so? seems like PhD is a veryy nice offer.

So.. after he finished his questions, it was time for me to ask some questions back.
Just wanted to know what inside his mind, what was his actual motivation.
And the questions were....
1. Do you "really" prepare to do a research for four years?
2. Answer truthfully, do you just chase the "stipend" or not?


Why Going Conference is so Difficult?

Sometimes I wonder... when we, as a PhD, go to conference/symposium, doesn't it mean that we are representing our school in the international forum? And I'm quite upset for the troubles my school has made... though actually they are in the beginning are the one who "recommend" me to join.

1. They don't put proper procedures on what the documents need to be prepared. So they just ask whatever they think they want.
Academic records (dunno what it is for), conference abstract or topic to be presented (okay reasonable), notification that the abstract has been approved (okay, but even the website of the symposium has not been established yet at that time), notification that conference fee has been paid (err...). Airfare ticket... Well, all of these are the requirement for seeking 'approval' for the leave? Doesn't it mean that we need to get approved first before we settle the airfare and conference fee?

2. They want all the documents to be settled 6 weeks before the date of conference and they just inform about this conference 4 weeks before the date. :s

3. They even ask 3 quotations for the airfare to confirm what I chose is the lowest. What?? :s :s

4. Just for the school certification/support for applying VISA, the school admin hasn't settled it until the day I have to go. Fortunately, I have seeked assistance on my own initiative to Graduate Studies Office (GSO). And I need to settle to Korean embassy (which is one hour journey from my place) three times before I got my VISA approved.

5. For the conference to be approved, they need signature from chair and HOD, which I dunno how slow they would get it?

6. They sent some e-mail even to my undergrad e-mail which is already inactive and never let me know before I ask, "Is there any update so far?"

7. And finally, they need to wait for the 'proper' TA award certificate before all the leave can be processed.

* * *

Well don't blame me if I get soo jealous when I gather with my friends from other school and they are so cheerful...

" I don't know got such complicated procedures. Our admin school just ask us some documents, then they help us to settle the VISA, conference, and also the airfare. And that's it. "

Well, sometimes life is unfair... (-__-)

22 June 2010


Found a nice article on the most common reasons for taking the PhD. The link is http://www.nigels.com/jokes/phd1.pdf. Hmm.. I should have opened this link way before I joined the PhD. Okay, so why I was taking this PhD thing. Let see
which of these reasons are applied to me.

1. I have a diagnosable mental illness: Dunno.. I never go for mental illness check-up. Perhaps I should. Many friends told me that I am fierce (because indeed I am). Some others told that I am childish (well, growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional [Handarmin, 2010], right?).

2. I can't get a job: Hell, true. I was called for P&G interview, Schlumberger, BCA, BP, Badak, some others that I did not remember. None of them were successful.

3. I can't face the real world: Maybe, I never really 'face' the 'real' world. However, I didn't think this is the reason. I was ready and keen to go to the real world at that time.

4. I think it would be cool to have 'Dr' before my name on my credit card: Nope. Even, I shall use 'Mr' on my future credit card or airplane ticket after I get this silly 'Dr' thing.

5. I seek to further my knowledge and contribute to the advancement of science in this, my choosen field: Come on! Don't make me laugh.

6. I'm too ugly to be a model or an actor or a prostitute: True. Even that Korean prof which I hate the most is more handsome than me. A friend of mine wants to marry a Caucasian so that their child will be eligible to become an artist, like Cinta Laura or Nadine Chandradinata.

7. I am impressed by the example set by my television role model, and wish to follow in his/her/its footsteps: What the hell are you thinking? I was not subscribing Nat Geo or History Channel. All that I watched on my TV was gossip show or lame horror movie.

8. Smart chicks are hot: Already found one behind my cubicle.

9. It is a condition of late Uncle Fergus' will that his estate will only go to someone who can withstand severe psychological torture. My cousin is going to join Mossad for their training program: If only I had a damn rich and insane Uncle like that.

10. "PhD" I was just looking to put my application for the lab tech job, so that I can have a salary and job security and can still wear the funky white coat: I am not that nerd to think that lab coat cool

Well. I think I still have not found my reason, why I was joining. It was interesting quiz though. @contributors: Hey, you should try too. Recommended. For those who are currently considering to join, it is strongly recommended. If you do not agree with most of these statements, well, re-consideration is a must. Btw, they have other quizzes. Probably.. Will take it and let you know the outcome shortly.


18 June 2010

For your thought...

The Path of Multi-Level Marketing

The Path of Academia

At the bottom of pyramid

New clueless member

New clueless PhD student

Why people join?

Promising great future: financial freedom

Promising great future: good future salary, nobel prize maybe…

Price that you pay

High entry cost, with annual payment

Your youth

General morale

Low (that’s why they always have motivational speech)

Low (that’s why they make seminars compulsory)

At the top of pyramid

Asst. Manager, Manager, Senior Manager (or some fancy designation, depending on the company)

Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., Prof.


Mostly junk, with few exception

Mostly junk, with few exception

If you want to quit

Your upline will talk to you and motivate you until you feel it’s not a good idea to quit

Your supervisor will talk to you and motivate you until you feel it’s not a good idea to quit

Group meetings

Regular, almost every other day, also depends on your upline

Regular, depends on your supervisor, but usually once a week

Working hours



Social impact

Likely to lose most of your friends along the way, coz you talk nonsense to most people.

Likely to lose most of your friends along the way, coz you talk nonsense to most people.


Dismal for most of the people, except for small number of people who take most of the pile

Dismal for most of the people (i.e. PhD student, postdoc, etc), except for small number of academe

After thought

After awhile, you will think why you join in the first place.

After awhile, you will think why you join in the first place.

Market penetration

Usually about 1-4% of the market

Usually 1-4% of graduating batch

consider first laa..

Dedicated to all of you, readers, if we have any.. who want to take a pi etch di, just because it's hard to get a job.. or you are so damn lazy to look for a job.. but you don't have any high spirit in research.. or don't have any dream to become in the academia world forever.. become a professor.. etc etc.. =P

This is just an example story, about the pi etch di life.. Three people are talking in the lab, let's just name them as "A" for the pi-etch-di, "B" for the pi-etch-di thinking wannabe, "C" for the senior lab member.
The background of the story was, * B was the lab member of one lab, she is now working at one company, she had to meet a customer at her previous university, and since she had the free time, she visited her old lab, to see whether she could find the familiar face *

B: hai, long time no see.. how are you guys doin? Is there anythin new at the lab?

A: fine, what do you mean by new? *blurr* PhD student? or somethin else?

B: yeah, is there new group member? I heard that the prof wants to hire a new PhD. She has a new project, and need someone to handle that.

A: nope. still the same.. why? do you miss the lab? wanna go back and join this group again? *tease her*

B: well.. actually.. I kind of miss the lab work.. I like doin the pippetting, mixing, and all of this.. but I don't like to study anymore.. read journal papers.. or another things...

C: What?? you want to come back?? Are you sure you want to go back to doin this lab work again?

B: Why is your reaction like that?

C: If you come back to this lab, you will lose everything.. what will you know in the future is just this type of lab work.. you will just know about the "zzz", "xxx", "yyy", etc etc.. And for now, the field works of "aaa graduated" are very2 limited. It will be hard to get a job after you graduate from pi etch di, I have a friend, graduate in the "aaa field", it was very hard for him to get a job, when he applied for the job, the employer would give a comment "what? you are a pi etch di? why do you apply this kind of job? you are already overqualified".. and after the interview, he would just say "could you just think of me as a graduate only? not the post grad"? And like for me.. I think I will spend the rest of my life doing this lab work thing...

B: But, maybe someday, you will get the job as a PI right? you can get a lot of money, minimum $5000-6000 per month. It will be worth!

A: but.. you just need tocompare the PI vacancy with total number of pi etch di graduated every year..you will know.. what a small successfull percentage to become a PI one day..

B: *silence*


Inside my Inbox

Email 1 >>
Dari: bibi Ong [ott@kantor]
Terkirim: Jumat, 18 June, 2010 8:49
Untuk: Gadis penunggu lab berambut panjang
Subjek: Kursus Keselamatan Kerja

Tolong terusin ke orang2 yang punya lab di B4 ya

Buat yang punya lab
Siang ini ada pelatihan keselamatan kerja lho, terus lab yang di B4 tu mau dipake, Jadi ya tolong dibersihin la itu lab gituh.

bibi Ong

Email 2 >>
Dari: Gadis penunggu lab berambut panjang [qww@lab]
Terkirim: Jumat, 18 June, 2010 10:18
Untuk: Juragannya tetangga; Teman satu lab tetangga; dosen nyolot; Juragan; Teman satu lab gua; juragan rendah hati; muridnya juragan rendah hati
Subjek: Trs: Kursus Keselamatan Kerja/(ga) penting

Mas dan mbakyu,
Ini tolong diliat ada email dari bibi Ong.

Gadis penunggu lab berambut panjang
di suatu tempat

Email 3 >>
Dari: Juragan [gan@kantor]
Terkirim: Jumat, 18 Juni, 2010 11:36
Untuk: Daku
Subjek: Trs: Kursus Keselamatan Kerja/(ga) penting

Anu labnya dibersihin dulu dong..


Email 4 >> ngga akan perna dikirim dan pake bahasa isyarat berhubung gua blum dapet kerja
(Thanks to HgS for the translation service)

mbencekno, sing nganggo lab taune dikonkon waca email tok, aku sing ra ngerti opo2 dikongkon beresin lab (sial, yg pake lab disuru baca email doank, gua yg ga tau apa2 suru beresin lab)



17 June 2010

free food!

Almost all Pi etch di love these two words..

"free" and "food" =P
we like to hunt the free food whenever.. and wherever we are able to grab
start from the convocation *thanks for all who are graduate! free food for a whole week.. ^^*, conference.. someone who is generous enough to treat me the food.. etc etc etc..

well.. but just one free food that almost all of the pi etch di is kind of.. err.. avoid.. trying to find any excuses that we could find..
although the food are nice.. and somehow.. it will be hard to puchase by Pi etch di budget..
but.. according to the writer's own opinion, it will be better for me to have a lunch at canteen A than get this kind of free food... aaaaa... T-T

- gonna have a slightly "fearful" lunch tomorrow.. hoping that the words "any updates this week?" will not appear... -

Quote of the day

A quote from juragan's acquaintance:
Two secrets to keep your marriage successful - 1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it, 2. Whenever you're right, shut up

Anyone thinks that if the word 'marriage' is replaced by 'candidature', the quote still apply?


16 June 2010

Some Politically Correct Honest Answers about PhD Life

" Wow, you take PhD. So you must be so smart?"

" I used to. I wonder whether currently I am "
" Thank you for the compliment. But as a PhD, we would always try to work hard and do our best to improve our knowledge such that we can still be up to date to the latest technology."

* * *

" Why do you take PhD?"

" In our life sometimes we make mistakes. Some mistakes are small. Some are big. Taking PhD is one of the biggest one."

" The first reason is my passion in research. I find it's really interesting to find something novel and to develop a major breakthrough which could be contributed to the society."

* * *

" Which part of your PhD you like the most?"

" The stipend "
" The challenge "

" Anything else? "

" Hmm, I don't think so "
" Of course the great chance to broaden our knowledge and the contribution to the research society in specific and to the whole society in general "

* * *

" What's your dream in 5-10 years in the future?"

" I want to graduate. And also... (think very hard)... ya maybe that's all "
" I potray myself as a successful researcher expertise in my area, receiving nobel prize, and developing my own research community center."

* * *

" Do you plan to be a postdoc after you graduate?"

" If I graduate?? You must be joking. Well, if I really can graduate I may become postdoc... prvided I don't have any other choices"
" Yes absolutely. Research is my passion "

* * *

" Wana be a professor?"

" If I can choose, I really don't want to be a bad person"
" Yes, I want to be a successful professor with a great research lab "

singapore banjirr...

Singapore banjir?? what the..
serasa ga perna dengar kalimat itu.. secara Singapore kn modern.. maju.. keren.. beradab.. mahal.. kiasu.. berat tuntutannya.. dsb dsb.. *makin lama makin ga nyambung...

well.. tapi bgt lah kenyataannya.. hari ini.. secara resmi.. Singapore mengirimkan salah satu kandidat nya bernama "Orchad" untuk mengikuti lomba berenang se negara..
wow.. Orchad!.. jantung utama nya Singapore.. mendadak berkubang air setinggi 0.5m.. berita sampe heboh beredar ke mana2.. bahkan sampai di Indo pun ribut.. postingan FB berisi berita banjir.. banjir.. *banyak orang indo yg posting berita itu.. padahal mereka ga ada bau2 nya sama sekali dengan Singapore.. *

padahal.. di saat semua orang sedang heboh dengan berita banjir2.. banyak orang terjebak.. macet di mana2.. kolam ikan di mana2... si penulis sama sekali tidak merasakan.. sedang "asyik" membuat jamu bayam kegemaran... "bergelap2 ria" bertiga di ruangan lab.. memandang layar komputer.. sambil berdoa2.. berharap.. beraji2.. berkomat-kamit.. berjampi2.. dst.. dst.. mengharapkan secarik kenaikan ato penurunan kurva..

bahkan sampai beberapa rekan penulis yg di Indo, mengirimkan SMS menanyakan kabar.. apakah penulis baik2 saja di sana.. tidak terendam banjir.. tidak mengungsi.. dst dst..
si penulis masi aja ga nyadar.. karena hutan nya masi cukup damai.. dan baru seperti nya baru sadar setelah banjir nya pun reda.. what a slow info I have here... T-T

-well.. salah satu contoh di mana penulis merasa cukup berbahagia dengan menjadi pi-etch-di di hutan Singapore.. at least hujan pun masi lebi suka melanda daerah metropolitan Singapore dibandingkan hutan nya.. dan seperti nya gelap2 an di lab pun lebi menarik dibandingkan berenang2 di Orchad..-

An Incoming Email


Please discuss with *a human name* on the YYYYY tests and additional test specimens with ZZZZZ.
Then I would like *a human name* to present in the next meeting if she is ready.


A morning announcement

Attention all professors
Please do not leave your students unattendant.
If you see any suspicious behaviour indicating procrastination or resignation,
please persuade them to stay. Nevertheless, giving a raise is not an option.

Thank you.


15 June 2010

inspiration.. money.. which one is more important =P

Well.. thanks to salah satu pujangga kita.. Mr Djaja Mihardja.. atas sumbangan yg sangat inspiratif tentang gubahan lagu..

ini adalah salah satu cerita nyata akan tetapi cukup berlebihan dalam dunia Pi Etch Di..

cerita di mana seorang advisor.. menyuruh murid nya untuk bertapa mencari ide.. demi kelangsungan dan kelancaran sebuah QE *kenaikan gaji dan mempertahankan stipend-red*

akan tetapi.. ide cemerlang saja tidak lah cukup.. terkadang.. untuk mewujudkan ide cemerlang.. yg bisa menghasilkan hasil significant.. berharga.. luar biasaa.. istimewa.. layak mendapat nobel.. dan berguna bagi nusa dan bangsa.. membutuhkan energi laen dari luar.. yg berwujud.. "$$"

tidak dapat dipungkiri.. uang memang memegang peranan penting bagi kelangsungan hidup research.. dan jg pi etch di nya.. bisa dikatakan sebanding la.. contoh nya:

1. klo rajin ngelab.. reagent habis.. butuh uang buat beli lagi..

2. pny ide baru.. bahan ga ada.. butuh bahan baru.. jadi beli lagi...

3. mau ngelab.. ga ada alat.. yaa.. untuk mempermudah.. sebaik nya harus beli alat... yaa.. keluar uang lagi.. dst dst...

Judul asli lagu ini adalah "impian semalam" --> bagi yg penasaran bisa dicari lagu nya di Youtube.. dan tolong dinyanyikan sesuai dengan irama lagu asli nya.. =)

Waktu semalam bung, aku begadangKetemu paper bung, bagus sekali

Memberi terang, bung pada project kuJuga harapan, bung, buat QEku

Ku pikir-pikir, ide keluar

Dengan semangat bung, kubilang bosku.

Tahukah engkau, dia berkata

Alatnya ini, JENG, kita ga punya

14 June 2010

A new beginning

Ini adalah kisah tentang kehidupan dalam dunia PhD
Orang bilang kami manusia hebat
Orang bilang kami berotak cerdas
Orang bilang kami calon professor
Orang bilang masa depan kami cerah
Hingga kami bisa memasuki dunia PhD
Sebenarnya karena kami terlalu lugu untuk tertipu
Sebenarnya karena kami tidak bisa mendapat pekerjaan
Sebenarnya karena PhD membanggakan
Bagi orang tua, bagi om, tante, opa, oma..

Memang masa depan kami cerah
Namun kami mengambil jalan yang salah
Akibatnya jalan cerah itu pun semakin meredup
Memang kami calon professor
Namun kami merasa takut setiap kali menghadap professor asli
Karena pekerjaan gagal
Atau karena sama sekali tidak (bisa) bekerja
Memang kami berotak cerdas
Namun itu hanya masa lalu
Sebelum kami masuk ke dunia ini
Memang kami manusia hebat
Oleh karena itulah kami membuat blog ini.