24 June 2010

Just my 50 cents.. (enough for a cup of coffee though)

Just read a 'spooky' post from fellow phd student. The research was a failure, the results were junkie (according to the boss for sure), no appreciation for the failure work (well, nobody shd expect that @ the first place). For us, the experience and feeling are really easy to be understood. Okay, forget it, life must go on, then what can 'we' do about it? Well.. let's see (However, this might be on case to case basis, depends on how desperate and freak your boss is)..

1. It is ILLICIT to use 'weekend' as the reason for not doing experiment. Our working hours is same with the opening time of 7-11 mart (24/7). Wish that your boss would understand those Korean dramas await you @ home? that you had appointment on bbq party @ East Coast.. Well.. indeed, you wish!! 

2. Bad results need not be reported (it applies to my boss).. 
Student: I have tried method A, unsuccessful, B also sucks, C useless.
Prof: Okay, then why shd we do?
Student: Dunno
Prof (fingers point to the door): Go back to ur office. Find out. Report to me once you find.
Student: Okay

Never report anything after that. Although stlll working, get other suck results. What's the point going to that 'court' only to be scolded and tormented. 

Finally one day (after few days of suck researches and many days of 'blank'ing
Prof: So, what is happening
Student: Nothing
Prof: How could nothing happening
Student: Well...
Prof: What happens to you. u've any personal problem? Okay. Let's go for a coffee..

Well, to be honest the personal problem is myself, where the self-motivation was on its lowest level (and still decreasing).. Nevertheless, need to be grateful when the boss have good skill to motivate w/o any need to talk crap 


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